early years school

Exploring The Early Years Curriculum At Arab Unity School

The early years of a child’s life are crucial for their development and growth. During this time, they develop fundamental skills, abilities, and attitudes that will shape their future. Choosing the right preschool education for your child is a critical decision. In this blog, we will explore the early years curriculum at Arab Unity School, a leading educational institution in Dubai, and learn about its benefits to young learners.

Overview of Arab Unity School

Arab Unity School is a British curriculum school in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The school provides high-quality education for students ages three to eighteen. It has a diverse student body and a team of experienced and qualified teachers, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education.

Early Years Curriculum at Arab Unity School

The curriculum is designed to provide a stimulating and nurturing environment for young learners. It focuses on the seven areas of learning and development outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which are:

Communication and Language

This learning area focuses on developing children’s communication and language skills. Children are encouraged to express themselves through speaking and listening, as well as through reading and writing. It helps children develop their vocabulary, communication skills, and confidence in expressing their thoughts and ideas.

Physical Development

This area focuses on developing children’s physical skills, such as their gross and fine motor skills. Children are encouraged to engage in physical activity, including running, jumping, climbing, and other forms of exercise. Physical development helps children to develop their coordination, balance, and overall physical well-being.

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development

This learning area focuses on developing children’s emotional intelligence and social skills. Children are encouraged to develop self-awareness, self-confidence, and social skills, including sharing, taking turns, and cooperating with others. Personal, social, and emotional development helps children to develop positive relationships, manage their emotions, and develop a sense of empathy and understanding towards others.


This learning area focuses on developing children’s reading and writing skills. Children are encouraged to engage with books, stories, and other forms of literature and develop their writing skills. Literacy helps children to develop their language skills, imagination, and creativity.


This area focuses on developing children’s mathematical skills and understanding. Children are encouraged to engage in activities that help them to develop their understanding of numbers, shapes, and patterns. Mathematics helps children develop problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and critical thinking abilities.

Understanding the World

This area focuses on developing children’s understanding of the world around them. Children are encouraged to explore their environment, learn about different cultures, and develop an understanding of the natural world. Understanding the world helps children to develop their curiosity, creativity, and sense of wonder.

Expressive Arts and Design

This area develops children’s creativity and self-expression. Children are encouraged to engage in activities such as art, music, and drama, which help them to develop their imagination and express their thoughts and feelings—expressive arts and design help children develop their confidence, self-expression, and creativity.

The curriculum is delivered through a combination of structured lessons and play-based learning. This approach allows children to explore and learn in a way that is both engaging and meaningful to them.

Benefits of the Early Years Curriculum at Arab Unity School

The early years’ curriculum at Arab Unity School offers several benefits to young learners. These include:

Personalised Learning

The curriculum at Arab Unity School is designed to be personalised to each child’s needs and abilities. This means teachers consider each child’s unique learning style, interests, and developmental stage when planning their learning experiences. This helps to ensure that each child is challenged at an appropriate level and can progress at their own pace.

Holistic Development

The curriculum focuses on the holistic development of each child. It emphasises the academic progress and development of children’s social and emotional well-being. For example, children are taught essential life skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, which help them to develop confidence and resilience.

Play-Based Learning

Play-based learning is a key feature of the curriculum at Arab Unity School. This approach recognises that young children learn best through play and exploration. Play-based learning allows children to engage in hands-on, experiential learning that is both enjoyable and meaningful. Children develop key skills such as critical thinking and creativity through play.

Qualified Teachers

Arab Unity School’s teachers are highly qualified and experienced in early childhood education. They are passionate about providing children with a high-quality education and are committed to helping them reach their full potential. The school’s teachers work closely with parents to ensure each child’s needs are met and receive the support they need to thrive.

Safe and Nurturing Environment

The early years environment at Arab Unity School is designed to be safe, nurturing, and child-friendly. The school’s facilities are designed to provide a stimulating and engaging environment for young learners, with plenty of opportunities for play and exploration. The classrooms have age-appropriate resources, including books, toys, and learning materials. The school’s staff is trained to provide additional support to children who may need it, ensuring that every child receives a high-quality education in a safe and supportive environment. 

Assessment in the Early Years Curriculum

Assessment is an essential part of the curriculum at Arab Unity School. The school carries out baseline assessments when children join the school and ongoing assessments throughout the year to monitor each child’s progress and identify areas where they may need additional support. The assessment is designed to be low-key and non-intrusive, focusing on observing children’s learning and development in their natural environment.

Parental Involvement

Arab Unity School recognises the importance of parental involvement in a child’s education. The school works closely with parents to ensure they are fully informed about their child’s progress and development. Regular parent-teacher meetings are held throughout the year, allowing parents to discuss their child’s progress and ask any questions they may have.

The school also encourages parental involvement in school events and activities. Parents are invited to participate in school events such as sports days and cultural festivals. This involvement helps to create a strong sense of community at the school and supports children’s learning and development.


The early years’ curriculum at Arab Unity School provides an engaging and informative education for young learners. It focuses on the seven areas of learning and development outlined in the EYFS framework, providing a well-rounded education for children. With personalised learning, play-based learning, and qualified teachers, Arab Unity School offers many benefits to families seeking high-quality early childhood education for their children.